Server Roles: All About Them

In this article, you will learn about the Discord roles which users can obtain within the Coco’s Lair Discord server!


Please read the descriptions on how to obtain the roles:

  • Staff: Staff are moderators within Coco’s Lair who are employed by Management, and are paid. To become a moderator, you must apply when applications are open.

  • Event/Giveaway Host: These are individuals who can host giveaways, and events within Coco’s Lair. Please send a DM to a Public Sector if interested in doing events for Coco’s Lair.

  • The Cult of BBC: One of the hardest roles within Coco’s Lair to be obtained. It can only be given by BigBlueChips, the Community Lead!

  • Retired Staff: Given to staff who formerly worked with Coco’s Lair, but have resigned, or retired. Staff who are blacklisted are not allowed the role. You must have been a moderator for one month to obtain the role.

  • Content Creator: Given to users who have 500+ subscribers, and advertise their content for Coco’s Lair. Please submit an application if interested.

  • Nitro Boosters: Given to people who boost the Discord server.

  • Partners: Given to official partners of Coco’s Lair, and Robloxia Prison.

  • Contributors: Given to former developers, or developers who work on the side, but aren’t full-time developers. To obtain this role, you must have contributed significantly to Coco’s Lair, and Robloxia Prison.

  • OG: Given to users who joined the Coco’s Lair on, or before July 10th, 2023. Must show proof to obtain role.

  • Event Winners: Given to players who have won at least one event hosted by PR, giveaways are included.

  • Star Member: Given to users who attended a star-tryout, and won.

  • Noted People: Given to users who are noted, or reputable within the community, or are friends of Management.

  • Respected Member: Given to users who are respected within the community, must be respected by all HRs, and must maintain their integrity within the community.

  • Premium: Given to players who have the Premium gamepass, make a ticket and show proof to obtain the role.

  • Supporter: Regular players within the Coco’s Lair Discord.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!
