In this article, you will learn about the Discord roles which users can obtain within the Coco’s Lair Discord server!
Please read the descriptions on how to obtain the roles:
Staff: Staff are moderators within Coco’s Lair who are employed by Management, and are paid. To become a moderator, you must apply when applications are open.
Event/Giveaway Host: These are individuals who can host giveaways, and events within Coco’s Lair. Please send a DM to a Public Sector if interested in doing events for Coco’s Lair.
The Cult of BBC: One of the hardest roles within Coco’s Lair to be obtained. It can only be given by BigBlueChips, the Community Lead!
Retired Staff: Given to staff who formerly worked with Coco’s Lair, but have resigned, or retired. Staff who are blacklisted are not allowed the role. You must have been a moderator for one month to obtain the role.
Content Creator: Given to users who have 500+ subscribers, and advertise their content for Coco’s Lair. Please submit an application if interested.
Nitro Boosters: Given to people who boost the Discord server.
Partners: Given to official partners of Coco’s Lair, and Robloxia Prison.
Contributors: Given to former developers, or developers who work on the side, but aren’t full-time developers. To obtain this role, you must have contributed significantly to Coco’s Lair, and Robloxia Prison.
OG: Given to users who joined the Coco’s Lair on, or before July 10th, 2023. Must show proof to obtain role.
Event Winners: Given to players who have won at least one event hosted by PR, giveaways are included.
Star Member: Given to users who attended a star-tryout, and won.
Noted People: Given to users who are noted, or reputable within the community, or are friends of Management.
Respected Member: Given to users who are respected within the community, must be respected by all HRs, and must maintain their integrity within the community.
Premium: Given to players who have the Premium gamepass, make a ticket and show proof to obtain the role.
Supporter: Regular players within the Coco’s Lair Discord.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!