All About Teams

In this article, you will learn about the teams you can play as inside of Robloxia Prison!

  • Warden: The warden is in-charge of the entire prison, and serves as the lead cop. As warden, you are granted some powers, these include pardoning prisoners, accessing exclusive weaponry and armor, access the warden office, vote kick permissions, and make announcement. You need to be level 8 to become a warden.

  • Guards: Guards, also known as cops are one of the teams players can play as. As a cop, you have the ability to kill hostile players, arrest inmates, or criminals, and patrol around the prison. It’s your duty to make the prison safe!

  • Inmates: As an inmate, also known as prisoners, you are stripped from your freedoms and have to serve your punishment. However, you are able to escape by killing cops, and getting a keycard, or escaping through areas. The choice on escaping is ultimately yours.

  • Criminals: As a criminal, you are an escaped inmate but have freedom. You have access to guns, and two bases. As a criminal, you can help players escape and kill cops. You are not able to kill inmates as a criminal. You can choose what to do as a criminal, just don’t get caught.

  • Spectator: This team is solely reserved for in-game staff, such as moderators, administrators, and developers. Anyone who is on this team cannot be killed, or arrested as they’re immune from being attacked. To avoid impersonation, all staff are able to join the spectator team. If someone is claiming to be staff, but can’t join spectator, they’re lying!

Game Mechanics