Understanding Tickets & Server Support

Tickets is your way to receive overall support within the Discord server. Players who are verified with their Roblox account can receive support for Discord or Game through moderator interaction.

What can I make a ticket for?

Tickets can be used to receive help, or have questions answered in the server by a moderator. These can include:

  • Reporting players, such as exploiters, glitches, or rule-breakers

  • Asking for general support, such as questions or inquiries

  • Needing certain roles or giveaway prizes

Avoid making these tickets:

These are tickets you should avoid making:

  • Asking for ranks, such as moderator, tester, or special roles

  • Creating or spamming tickets with unnecessary requests

Tickets should be used for necessary requests, and respond within an appropriate time frame. Your ticket will be closed if no response or update is given.

In addition, please use the Live Chat service for quick answers!
