Losing data, or going through a data loss can be challenging, but the team is here to help you when this occurs. Databases happen on occasions due to Roblox updates, or a bug that cannot be instantly detected and resolved.
What should I do?
If you ever lost data due to an update, please follow the steps below:
Ensure you’re in the community Discord. Once in, make a ticket and wait for a developer to respond.
Send all the proof needed, this includes picture of what was lost, such as (kills, levels, weapons, gamepasses.)
Make sure your Roblox username is displayed in the proof.
Turn your inventory on, and make it public so we can verify any gamepass purchases.
When situations like these arise, we ask you to please be patient as they’re not easy as they seem. They take work and effort to be fixed. Always make sure you have proof. We cannot help users without proof.