All about Premium

You can purchase the gamepass Premium which comes with all perks and features as receiving or purchasing every gamepass. You can purchase Premium for 400 Robux.

Below, you can find the perks you’ll receive when purchasing:

  • All gamepasses & some of the future gamepasses.

  • The heavy medical kit that heals 100 hp.

  • Custom bullet colors for your guns

  • A special chat tag and a special role in our Communications Server, (must create a ticket to receive in communications server, 13+)

I bought premium, but never got it?

If you bought premium, but never got the features, you would want to:

  • Rejoining the game

  • Joining a new updated server; or test a private server

  • Double-check you purchased the gamepass and the payment was processed by Roblox

If none of these steps work, please join the Community Discord, and our team will help you out.

How to claim role in the Discord?

If you bought premium, you should automatically receive the role once you verified with Bloxlink. If you still did not receive the role, please make sure to make a ticket.

  • Ensure your inventory is set to public so we can see you bought it.

  • Make sure you type in the Roblox chat (with your username displayed), not your display name.

Once these steps have been completed, you’ll get the premium role in the Discord.

Game Mechanics